We hope you enjoy browsing our site to learn about the wonderful ways that God is working in Latin America and Europe Through exciting cutting-edge technology, we are able to bring together churches and people daily from all over the world.
We ask for your prayers and support. If you feel God is leading you to also give financially to any person or project mentioned above, we gratefully accept that. You may be assured your money will be well used for kingdom purposes and growth. If you would like to come visit, ask questions, or join the work in any way, please feel free to contact us at (713) 910-2819, Steve Austin (austin@ibitibi.org), or Kevin Montgomery (montgomery@ibitibi.org).
If you’d like to send a check, you can make it out to TIBI and send it to this PO box:
PO Box 1501
South Houston, TX, 77587
If you would like to use a credit card to donate, you can do so through PayPal, with the button below:
If you wish to donate using PayPal, use this e-mail address as recipient: donate@ibitibi.org
Guidestar (Candid), the world’s largest and leading source of information about nonprofit organizations, has awarded TIBI its Platinum Seal of Transparency. This is the highest seal awarded.
It indicates that TIBI is among the top one percent of the 2.7 million nonprofits in the US in terms of transparency regarding our goals, methods, metrics, data, and results.
More than 10 million people visit GuideStar each year for guidance on how to give charitable donations. Those with the platinum seal receive twice as many views, and receive 53% more donations than other seal categories.
All major US-based donor-advised funds use Guidestar, as well as millions of visitors to donation platforms like AmazonSmile, Facebook, JustGive, and many more.