Students of TIBI’s live classes


We are proud of all of our TIBI students! It is an honor and pleasure to host over 4200 students, whether it’s live, online, or at our local Bible schools.

On this page we have some photos and screenshots that show the majority of those who study live by Zoom. If they study full time, they are in class 20 hours per week! And there are a few who are not full time, but still take 1-3 courses per cycle. In total, we have 118 students who study live with us.

The second-year group of scholarship students, entering in August 2022, are many in the picture below, including Hilario José Marín Valerio (Venezuela); Eudomar Manuel Osteicochea Sánchez (Venezuela); Robin Romel Morales Surgeon (Panamá); William Antonio Martinez Ayala (El Salvador); Jhon Fredy Hernandez Solano and his wife Rosa Angulo Silva (Ecuador); Jesús Orlando Marcano Rojas (Venezuela); Percy Esaul Honores Robles (Perú); and Luis Daniel Andarcia Useche (Venezuela).

Scholarship students 2022

The incoming group of scholarship students includes David Arrubla Lopez (Colombia), Allan Velasquez (Nicaragua), Jafet Hidalgo (Mexico), Jose Luis Jimenez (Bolivia), and from Venezuela: Ana María Calderón, Heladio Gomez, Milexis Martinez, Lenin Perera, Aristoteles Rodriguez, Romel Rodriguez, and Winston Rodriguez (below).

We are glad to have two other groups of students from schools which are colleagues of our in Mexico: Instituto Bíblico de Latinoamérica en  Mexicali, Mexico; and also a group from  Instituto Bíblico de Baja California in Ensenada, Mexico.

Last (but not least!) is a varied group of students from 11 different countries, who take from 1 to 4 courses, depending on their goals, some of whom are in the pictures above.

These brothers and sisters are important additions to our program, and we are pleased to have them, along with the scholarship recipients.

We ask for your prayers for these students, the married couples, their families, and their churches. The studies and the obligations of the churches take a lot of time and they face all the challenges of ministry and normal life. And of course everything has now been complicated by the pandemic.

God has richly blessed us with these brothers and sisters!